How is Asphalt Made?

After witnessing a few roadworks involving asphalt, you’re probably wondering, “How is asphalt made.” Asphalt is used in many applications such as building roads, bike paths, sidewalks, parking lots, airport runways, and tennis courts. When in liquid form, it can be...

How LNG Can Help with Asphalt Production

Mixing up the use of LNG with asphalt production is something producers find beneficial.  An asphalt production facility that has switched to liquified natural gas, LNG, to fuel their stationary enjoys a simplified project bidding process.  Asphalt plants work with...

What is a Smart Pig Pipeline?

It is impressive how pipelines can maintain their integrity when well maintained. It takes the use of smart inspection devices like a smart pig pipeline to help maintain channels. Examples of smart inspection devices are different types of pipeline pigs that...

What is Hydrostatic Testing?

You’ve heard that utilities watch the pressure through hydrostatic testing, but you may not know how it works. So, what is hydrostatic testing?  With this technique, fuel companies have confidence in the gas tanks they use. Hydrostatic testing is when storage tanks...