How LNG Can Help with Asphalt Production

Apr 23, 2021 | Asphalt Production

Mixing up the use of LNG with asphalt production is something producers find beneficial.  An asphalt production facility that has switched to liquified natural gas, LNG, to fuel their stationary enjoys a simplified project bidding process.  Asphalt plants work with LNG suppliers to ensure they keep the stations running.

Companies that have switched to liquified natural gas experience lowered the cost of asphalt production and made meeting sustainability targets easier. Another reason for the switch to LNG is that it has more price stability than propane or diesel. Let’s take a further look into how LNG helps with asphalt production.

[bctt tweet=”Combining LNG with asphalt production comes with a wide scale of benefits. Here is how the LNG can help with asphalt production. #sapphirenatgas #LNG” via=”no”]

Simplified Project Bidding Process

One of the things that happen in asphalt production is determining the cost per ton of asphalt. The bidding process is different for plants that use propane and diesel compared to those that use liquified natural gas, LNG. The process is more complex for the former.

The contributing factor to the complexity is the varying prices of the three fuels. Asphalt production facilities that use LNG to power generators find the bidding process greatly simplified. LNG prices are considered stable throughout since natural gas is abundant.

LNG is More Sustainable

Asphalt production is reported to have reduced its negative impact on the environment since facilities turned to liquified natural gas. Stationary and temporary asphalt manufacturers have discovered that LNG is a considerably clean fossil fuel.

The reason behind this characteristic is that it is a simple hydrocarbon. A fuel oil like diesel, on the other hand, has long-chained carbons which equal high emission levels.

LNG Price is More Stable

Stationary and temporary asphalt production facilities using recycled fuel oil or waste oil should look into switching to LNG for its stability.  All it requires during installations is for personnel to tweak the burner to run efficiently with LNG. The process of changing the systems to LNG takes less than six hours. Asphalt plants find it easy to control the temperatures of the burner as well.

Consider Switching to LNG

Combining the use of LNG with asphalt production should make asphalt production cost-efficient for companies. Asphalt produced using LNG does better in international markets, another reason that should drive asphalt production companies to consider switching to LNG.

Contact us to learn more about how the LNG benefits asphalt production plants.